About Us


Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! So did Ess-Press-Oh happen to be unfolded on 19th September 2015, at a diminutive plot in Aurangabad City with an impulse to vend pretty amazingly the finest coffee, '' A liquid hug for your brain’’?

These fortunate two years, serving to impart finest steaming coffee initiated the idea of blending coffee with some exceptionally divergent combination for fun! This cafe runs on GAMES, BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES and a whole lot of COFFEE! Drown your troubles, restlessness and depressive moods with a single cup of our coffee that will Ess-Press-Oh how much you BEAN to the world!

A perfect place to hang out with friends, spend quality weekends with families, enjoy corporative meet ups and much more...

A coffee that would stimulate your conversations and capture happiness in a cup of Ess-Press- OH coffee along with games...! Revive your childhood with board games including chess, snakes & ladders, tic tac toe, hop scotch and a heck lot of more stuff.

Relish with the taste of fresh-made Ess-Press-Oh coffee, prepared from the finest of the beans throughout! Boost yourselves with coffee, shakes, mock tails, health drinks, mojitos, sandwiches, pasta & more from our Ess-Press-Oh cafe. Ain't something fun?? COFFEE ALONG WITH YOUR BEST-LOVED GAMES...